
胡旭评分:2671 免费咨询

胡旭,男,主任医师,安徽省六安市人民医院儿科中心副主任,安徽医科大学附属六安医院儿科教研室主任,硕士研究生,安徽省第四周期学术学科带头人后备人选。现担任安徽省儿童医疗协会儿童保健专业委员会常委,安徽省医师协会青春期医学专业委员会常委,安徽省医师协会儿科医师分会委员,中华医学会安徽省儿科学会小儿内分泌学组委员,华东肾脏病协作委员会儿科专业委员会委员,安徽省小儿肾脏病学组委员,安徽省预防接种不良反应鉴定专家组成员,安徽省抗癫痫协会理事,六安市人民医院住院医生规范化培训导师,六安市儿科学会副主任委员、六安市医学伦理委员会委员。学习和工作经历:1995年毕业于皖南医学院2001年-2004年在安徽医科大学攻读儿科学硕士毕业后回六安市人民医院,一直在本院儿科临床从事医疗、教学和科研工作。2008年赴德国汉诺威医科大学附属策勒市AKH综合医院儿科进修,系统学习小儿内分泌及遗传代谢病,小儿肾脏病和风湿免疫性疾病以及支气管哮喘和小儿重症监护方面的临床技能。多次参加国内外儿童内分泌和遗传代谢病,遗传病的基因诊断和遗传咨询,精准医学及风湿免疫性疾病和支气管哮喘等方面的学术会议。具有良好的医学英语水平,多次参加医院的外事活动,有从事医学专业同步翻译的丰富经验。论文著作和科研成果:参与主持安徽省自然科学基金以及安徽省卫生厅科研基金,全国协作等多项课题研究。发表学术论文20余篇。Hu Xu, male, chief physician, deputy director of Pediatrics Department of Luan Peoples Hospital, director of Pediatrics Department of Luan Hospital Affiliated to Anhui Medical University, postgraduate, Anhui Province fourth period academic discipline leader. Now as a member of the Standing Committee of Anhui province childrens Medical Association of child care Specialized Committee, member of Anhui Provincical Association of pediatrician as well as pediatric endocrinology group member of Anhui Province Academy of Pediatrics ,expert member of prevention and identification of adverse reaction of vaccination as well as Anti Epilepsy Association in Anhui Province , tutor of resident standard training in Luan Peoples Hospital, deputy chairman and secretary of Luan Academy of Pediatrics.Studying and working experience:Graduated from Wannan Medical College in 1995Studying for a masters degree in Anhui Medical University during 2001 -2004 and has been engaged in medical, teaching and scientific research in the Department of Pediatrics for over 20 years.In 2008 went to AKH Celle affiliated to Hannover Medical University in Germany for pediatric training which inculded pediatric endocrinology,genetic metabolic disease, the clinical skills of pediatric nephrology and rheumatic disease as well as bronchial asthma and pediatric intensive care areas. Participated in various domestic and foreign academic conference related to childrens endocrine and genetic metabolic disease, genetic diagnosis and genetic counseling, precision medicine,rheumatic immune disease and bronchial asthma and other aspects of paediatrics. Often take part in the hospitals foreign affairs activities, has rich experiences in medical professional simultaneous translation .Paper works and achievements in scientific research:Participated in some paediatric researches sponsored by Anhui Provincial Natural Science Fund and Anhui provincial health department research fund as well as some national paediatric clinical research collaboration items and has published more than 20 academic papers.
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