副主任医师,耳鼻咽喉科硕士,安徽医科大学博士在读。硕士研究生阶段师从中国科学技术大学附属第一医院孙敬武教授,博士研究生阶段师从安徽医科大学第一附属医院刘业海教授。Deputy Chief Physician, Master of Otorhinolaryngology, graduated from the Department of Clinical Medicine of Anhui Medical University in 2002, has been engaged in the clinical work of children otolaryngology. Now the Chinese Medical Doctor Association Pediatrician Branch Youth Committee for Children Otolaryngology Youth Committee, China Maternal and Child Health Association Children Otolaryngology Minimally Invasive Association, Chinese Medical Association Anhui Branch Otolaryngology Branch Youth Committee, Chinese Medical Association Anhui Branch Otolaryngology Branch Children ear and nose Member of the Throat Group, member of the Department of Otolaryngology of the Anhui Provincial Society of Traditional Chinese Medicine, member of the Rehabilitation Committee of the Rehabilitation Medicine Society of Anhui Province.As the first author published many papers such as the core and statistical sources of Peking University.
儿童耳鼻喉及多学科交叉性疾病尤其是儿童鼻炎、鼻窦炎、过敏性鼻炎、慢性咳嗽、上气道咳嗽综合征、胃食道返流、咽炎、急慢性扁桃体炎、急慢性中耳炎、分泌性中耳炎、耳聋的诊治,儿童鼾症、扁桃体增生和腺样体增生的等离子微创手术,甲状舌管囊肿、耳前瘘管、附耳的整形手术,慢性鼻窦炎伴鼻息肉的内镜手术,鼻骨骨折复位术、6月以下儿童耳廓无创矫正,伴抽动症的鼻炎咽炎的诊治,熟练掌握各年龄段儿童耳鼻咽喉软硬内镜检查及手术,特别是复杂危险气管异物、食管异物的手术。Specializing in children ENT and multidisciplinary diseases, especially children with rhinitis, sinusitis, allergic rhinitis, chronic cough, upper airway cough syndrome, pharyngitis, acute and chronic tonsillitis, diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic otitis media, secretory otitis media, deafness, minimally invasive surgery for children with snoring, tonsil hyperplasia and adenoid hyperplasia, thyroglossal cyst, pre-auricular fistula, plastic surgery with ear, endoscopic surgery for chronic sinusitis with nasal polyps , reduction of nasal bone fracture, non-invasive correction of auricles in children under 6 months, diagnosis and treatment of rhinitis and pharyngitis with tic disorder, proficiency in soft and hard endoscopy and surgery for children of all ages, especially complex dangerous tracheal foreign bodies, esophageal foreign bodies surgery.
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安徽省儿童医院 耳鼻咽喉头颈科

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