王江宁,现任首都医科大学附属北京世纪坛医院副院长、骨三科主任,医学博士、首都医科大学教授、研究生导师,享受国务院特殊津贴,教育部科技进步奖评审专家,国家自然科学基金行评专家,中国修复重建外科专业委员会副主任委员,中国修复重建外科杂志副主编,国际显微外科杂志(Microsurgery SCI收录杂志)编委,美国路易斯威尔手外科中心高级访问学者,中国实用美容整形外科杂志常务编委,中华显微外科杂志编委,中国实用手外科杂志编委,国际修复重建外科协会委员。曾任大连大学附属大连中心医院副院长(三甲医院),大连大学附属新华医院院长(三甲医院)。本人以课题负责人身份承担项目有:国家自然基金项目2项,共计获审批资助52万元,省部级科研项目2项,共计获审批资助27万元,获北京市科委重大项目1 项,获审批资助26万元,首都医学发展基金1项,获审批资助8万元,局级科研项目2项,共计获审批资助12万元。发表SCI收录文章三篇,国内核心期刊二十多篇。获得省部级科技进步二等奖两项。北京市科技进步三等奖一项。Work Experiences:Jiangning Wang, Chief Physician, MD, Doctoral tutor. Current Vice President, director in Dept of Orthopaedic Surgery three, Full Professor, the affiliated Beijing Shijitan Hospital of Capital Medical University, a Specialists who enjoy the State Council Special Allowance,evaluation experts,the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology Progress Award, Fund Assessment experts of National Natural Science Foundation,Vice Chairman of China Professional Committee of Reparative and Reconstructive Surgery,Associate editor of Chinese Journal of Reparative and Reconstructive Surgery,Editor of Microsurgery, Senior Visiting Scholars of Louisville Hand Surgery Center in USA,Managing Editor of Chinese Journal of Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery,Editor of Chinese Journal of Microsurgery and Chinese Journal of Practical Hand Surgery,Member of International Committee of Reparative and Reconstructive Surgery.A former vice President of the Affiliated Central Hospital of Dalian University(Third-level grade-A hospital), President of the Affiliated Xinhua Hospital of Dalian University.I undertake research projects:2 National Natural fund project,2 provincial scientific researchprojects, 1 major projects of Beijing municipal science and technology commission,1 capital Medical development fund, 2 bureaus of scientific research projects,published more than 50 State -level medical papers, 10 World-class medicine papers and 12 SCI articles.2 second prize of Provincial scientific and technological progress award,1 third prize of Beijing municipal science and technology progress award.
儿麻、糖足、骨髓炎、褥疮、脑瘫矫形、手足外科、四肢畸形、截肢残端痛各种治疗、感染创面手术和非手术联合治疗、全身溃疡显微外科治疗、全身创伤凹陷填补治疗、拇指再造治疗、肢体延长、拇外翻等特长。Childrens hemp, sugar foot, osteomyelitis, bedsore, cerebral palsy orthopedics, hand foot surgery, limb deformity, amputation pain treatment, infection wound surgery and non operation combined treatment, general ulcer microsurgical treatment, whole body trauma depression treatment, thumb reconstruction treatment, limb length, hallux valgus, etc.
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首都医科大学附属北京世纪坛医院 骨科

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