贾振宇,男,江苏省人民医院血管病与肿瘤介入科,副主任医师,医学博士,韩国首尔峨山医学中心访问学者。江苏省介入医学分会青年委员,中国研究型医院出血专业委员会委员。从事血管病与肿瘤微创介入治疗工作十年,具有丰富的临床经验。擅长脑动脉瘤、动静脉畸形、硬脑膜动静脉瘘、外周血管瘤、肝脏恶性肿瘤等的微创介入治疗。2010年毕业于东南大学医学院研究生院获得硕士学位,同年至江苏省人民医院放射介入科从事血管病与肿瘤性疾病介入诊疗与研究工作,2017年在韩国首尔峨山医学中心完成神经介入专科培训。江苏省人民医院早在1982年就在省内率先开展了介入治疗工作,是国内最早开展介入治疗的单位之一。现科室开放床位41张,年手术达4500余台,部分开展项目处于国内领先水平。科研成果:1.Transarterial Chemoembolization Monotherapy Versus Combined Transarterial Chemoembolization-Microwave Ablation Therapy for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Tumors </=5 cm: A Propensity Analysis at a Single Center. Cardiovascular and interventional radiology. 2017.2.Hypertension increases the risk of cerebral microbleed in the territory of posterior cerebral artery: a study of the association of microbleeds categorized on a basis of vascular territories and cardiovascular risk factors. Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases : the official journal of National Stroke Association. 2014;23(1):e5-11.3.Early assessment of coagulation necrosis after hepatic microwave ablation: a comparison of non-enhanced and enhanced T1-weighted images. Abdominal radiology. 2017;42(6):1781-7.4.In Vitro Evaluation of Fusiform-Shaped Stents for Wide-Neck Intracranial Aneurysm Treatment. Neurointervention. 2018;13(2):117-23.5.Optimal Guiding Catheter Length for Endovascular Coiling of Intracranial Aneurysms in Anterior Circulation in Era of Flourishing Distal Access System. Neurointervention. 2017;12(2):91-9.6.Development of New Endovascular Devices for Aneurysm Treatment. Journal of stroke. 2018;20(1):46-56.7.Loop microcatheter technique for coil embolization of paraclinoid aneurysms. Acta neurochirurgica. 2018;160(9):1755-60.8.Cannulation of Occluded Inferior Petrosal Sinuses for the Transvenous Embolization of Cavernous Sinus Dural Arteriovenous Fistulas: Usefulness of a Frontier-Wire Probing Technique. AJNR American journal of neuroradiology. 2018.9.Risk of Acute Kidney Injury with Consecutive, Multidose Use of Iodinated Contrast in Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke. AJNR American journal of neuroradiology. 2019.10.Localized Marked Elongation of the Distal Internal Carotid Artery with or without PHACE Syndrome: Segmental Dolichoectasia of the Distal Internal Carotid Artery. AJNR American journal of neuroradiology. 2018;39(5):817-23.11.Endovascular Treatment of 12 Cases of Renal Arteriovenous Malformations: The Experience of 1 Center and an Overview of the Literature. Vascular and endovascular surgery. 2018;52(1):46-51.
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