庞俊,男,医学博士、主任医师、博士生导师中山大学附属第七医院泌尿外科主任第一批广东省杰出青年医学人才、深圳市高层次人才中华医学会泌尿外科学分会泌尿男科工程学组委员中国医师协会泌尿外科医师分会微创学组委员中国研究型医院学会泌尿外科学专业委员会青年委员会副主任委员中国医药教育协会毕业后与继续医学教育指导委员会常委中国医疗保健国际交流促进会泌尿健康促进分会委员广东医学会泌尿外科学分会委员广东省医师协会泌尿外科医师分会常委广东省医学会微创外科学分会委员广东省医学教育协会泌尿外科学专业委员会副主任委员广东省中西医结合学会泌尿外科学分会常委深圳市医学会泌尿外科学分会肿瘤学组副组长深圳市医师协会泌尿外科医师分会副会长中华医学会《中华腔镜泌尿外科杂志(电子版)》总编助理中华医学会《中华腔镜泌尿外科杂志(电子版)》通讯编委承担国家自然科学基金3项,中山大学青年教师重点培养计划,先后参加卫生部临床重点项目,863计划,973计划以及广东省重点项目等10余项,在国内外发表论文30余篇,先后获得2011年广东省科学技术进步一等奖和2012年国家科学技术进步一等奖。专著:参加编译《坎贝尔泌尿外科学》中文版第九版参编《微创泌尿外科手术与图谱》2006年广东科技出版社论著:一、代表性论著(一)第一作者或通讯作者(1)Zhang JF#,Wang LY#, YouXR#, XianTZ , WuJ*, PangJ*. Nanoparticle Therapy for Prostate Cancer: overview and perspectives, Curr.Top.Med. Chem,2019,19: 1. E-pub Ahead of Print.[IF3.374](2) Zhang XY#, Li DD#, Huang J, Ou KY, Yan BY, Shi F, Zhang JY, Zhang JF, Pang J*, Kang Y*, Wu J*. Screening of pH-responsive and long circulating polysaccharide-drug conjugate nanocarriers for anti-tumor applications. J. Mater. Chem. 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P110 beta inhibition reduces histone H3K4 Di-Methylation in prostate cancer.Prostate. 2017 Feb; 77(3):299-308.(7)Wang YZ#*, Wang JX, Xue H, Lin D, Dong X, Gout PW, Gao X, Pang J*. Subrenal capsule grafting technology in human cancer modeling and translational cancer research.Differentiation. 2016 Apr-Jun; 91(4-5):15-19.(8)Chen Z#, Pang J#, Wang J#, Lu MH, Shi HJ, Chen JN, Zhang H, Huang QX, Zhou FJ, Liu WP, Yi XN, Lu HY, Qian HJ, Zeng XT, Yang JG, Zhou X, Liu JM, Chen J*, Gao X*. Upgrade in Gleason score between biopsy and radical prostatectomy pathology indicates poor outcomes in prostate cancer. Int J Clin Exp Pathol. 2016 Jan; 9(2):1578-1587.(9)Luo Y#, Ye ZQ#, Li K, Chen RH, Li SG, Pang J*. Associations between polymorphisms in the IL-4 and IL-4 receptor genes and urinary carcinomas: a meta-analysis. Int J Clin Exp Med. 2015 Jan; 8(1):1227-1233.(10)Gao X#*, Pang J#, Si-tu J, Luo Y, Zhang H, Li LY, Zhang Y. Single-port transvesical laparoscopic radical prostatectomy fororgan-confined prostate cancer: technique and outcomes.BJU Int. 2013 Nov; 112(7):944-952.(11)Gao X#*, Pang J#, Li LY#*, Liu WP, Di JM, Sun QP, Fang YQ, Liu XP, Pu XY, He D, Li MT, Su ZL, Li BY. Expression profiling identifies new function of collapsin response mediator protein 4 as a metastasis-suppressor in prostate cancer. Oncogene. 2010 Aug; 29(32):4555-4566.(12)Pang J#, Liu WP#, Liu XP#, Li LY, Fang YQ, Sun QP, Liu SJ, Li MT, Su ZL, Gao X*. Profiling protein markers associated with lymph node metastasis in prostate cancer by DIGE-based proteomics analysis. J Proteome Res. 2010 Jan; 9(1):216-226.(13)Pang J#, Gao X*, Liu XP, Wang KB, Zhang Y, Feng LQ, Zhan HL. Enhanced antitumor effects by the coculture of allotumor RNA-pulsed dendritic cells with autologous cytokine-induced killer cells on hormone-refractory prostate cancer. Cancer Invest. 2007 Nov; 25(7):527-534.(二)非第一作者或通讯作者(1)Ren SC#, Wei GH#, Liu DB#, Wang L#, Hou Y#, Zhu SD, Peng LH, Zhang Q, Cheng YB, Su H, Zhou XQ, Zhang JB, Li FQ, Zheng HC, Zhao ZK, Yin CJ, He ZQ, Gao X, Zhau HE, Chu CY, Wu JB, Collins C, Volik SV, Bell R, Huang JT, Wu K, Xu DF, Ye DF, Yu YW, Zhu LH, Qiao M, Lee HM, Yang YH, Zhu YS, Shi XL, Chen R, Wang Y, Xu WD, Cheng YQ, Xu CL, Gao X, Zhou T, Yang B, Hou JG, Liu L, Zhang ZS, Zhu Y, Qin C, Shao PF, Pang J, Chung LWK, Xu JF, Wu CL, Zhong WD, Xu X, Li YR, Zhang XQ, Wang J, Yang HM, Wang J, Huang HJ*, Sun YH*. Whole-genome and transcriptome sequencing of prostate cancer identify new genetic alterations driving disease progression. Eur Urol. 2018 Mar; 73(3): 322–339.(2)Gao X#*, Li LY#, Rassler J#, Pang J, Chen MK, Liu WP, Chen Z, Ren SC, Zhou FJ, Xie KJ, Zhou X, Qian HJ, Bai XZ, Liu JM, Yang JG, He D, Shao CK, Su ZL, Wang J, Qiu JG, Ling L. Prospective study of CRMP4 promoter methylation in prostate biopsies as a predictor for lymph node metastases. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2017 Jun; 109(6):282-290.(3)Yang Y#, Luo Y#, Hou GL, Huang QX, Pang J, Gao X*. Laparoscopic radical prostatectomy plus extended lymph node dissection in combination with immediate androgen deprivation therapy for cases of pT3-4N0-1M0 prostate cancer: a multimodal study of 8 years follow-up. Clin Genitourin Cancer. 2016 Aug; 14(4):e321-e327.(4)Lu L#, Zhang H#, Pang J, Hou GL, Lu MH, Gao X*. ERG rearrangement as a novel marker for predicting the extra-prostatic extension of clinically localised prostate cancer. Oncology Letters. 2016 Apr; 11(4):2532-2538.(5)Hou GL, Luo Y, Di JM, Lu L, Yang Y, Pang J, Si-Tu J, Gao X*. Predictors of urinary continence recovery after modified radical prostatectomy for clinically high-risk prostate cancer. Urol J. 2015 Feb; 12(1):2021-2027.(6)Chen MK, Luo Y, Zhang H, Qiu JG, Wen XQ, Pang J, Si-tu J, Sun QP, GaoX*. Laparoscopic radical prostatectomy plus extended lymph nodes dissection for cases with non-extra node metastatic prostate cancer: 5-year experience in a single Chinese institution. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 2013; 139(5):871-878.(7) Li K#, Chen MK#, Li LY, Lu MH, Shao CK, Su ZL, He D, Pang J, Gao X*. The predictive value of semaphorins 3 expression in biopsies for biochemical recurrence of patients with low- and intermediate-risk prostate cancer. Neoplasma. 2013 Jan; 60(6):683-689.(8)Chen MK#, Luo Y#, Zhang H, Lu MH, Pang J, Gao X*. Investigation of optimal prostate biopsy schemes for Chinese patients with different clinical characteristics. Urol Int. 2012 Oct; 89(4):425-432.(9)Gao X*, Li LY, Zhou FJ, Xie KJ, Shao CK, Su ZL, Sun QP, Chen MK, Pang J, Zhou XF, Qiu JG, Wen XQ, Yang M, Bai XZ, Zhang H, Ling L, Chen Z. ERG rearrangement for predicting subsequent cancer diagnosis in high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia and lymph node metastasis. Clin Cancer Res. 2012 Aug; 18(15):4163-4172.(10)Gao X#*, Luo Y#, Wang YY#, Pang J, Liao CD, Lu HL, Fang YQ. Prostate stem cell antigen-targeted nanoparticles with dual functional properties: in vivo imaging and cancer chemotherapy. Int J Nanomedicine. 2012 Jul; 7:4037-4051.(11)Luo Y#,?Ling Y,?Guo W,?Pang J,?Liu W,?Fang Y,?Wen X,?Wei K*,?Gao X*.Docetaxel loaded oleic acid-coated hydroxyapatite nanoparticles enhance the docetaxel-induced apoptosis through activation of caspase-2 in androgen independent prostate cancer cells.J Control Release.?2010 Oct 15;147(2):278-88. doi: 10.1016.二、发明专利(1) 高新、庞俊、陈征、冯映红,用于早期筛查与诊断前列腺癌的试剂盒, 2014.5.26,中国,201410226254.5(2) 高新、庞俊、刘伟鹏,用于前列腺癌转移早期诊断的试剂盒,2009.11.4, 中国,200910193654.X(3) 陈征、庞俊,一种标本盒及其用途,2017.2.18,中国,201611167586.6(4) 高新、庞俊、陈征,转移性前列腺癌早期预测的分子探针、试剂盒及该分子探针的应用,2017.3.15,中国,201610901412.1获奖情况:2011年广东省科学技术进步一等奖(项目编号:B15-0-1-02)前列腺癌的分子诊断与微创治疗(排名第5)2012年国家科学技术进步一等奖(证书号:2012-J-253-1-01):前列腺癌诊疗体系的创新及其关键技术的应用(排名第12)。