
魏迨桂评分:3212 免费咨询

魏迨桂★ 医学硕士★ 副主任医师、国家二级心理咨询师★ 广东省人民医院 疼痛科从事临床疼痛诊疗工作20余年,先后于国内多家著名疼痛中心、美国纽约Beth Israel Medical Center学习。临床经验丰富,工作细致,技术精湛,认真负责。重视肌筋膜触发点理论结合人体整体观治病,重视患者心理及其家庭支持。擅长以低风险方法治疗常见及疑难性非癌痛、四肢麻木发凉乏力、痛症合并瘫症、癌痛。熟练开展神经阻滞术治疗带状疱疹、带状疱疹后遗神经痛、颈椎病、腰椎间盘突出症,开展射频热凝术治疗高龄老人的三叉神经痛,开展触发点技术治疗膝痛、足痛、踝肿痛、肩周痛、痛经、局部麻凉等。对面瘫、肌萎缩性脊髓侧索硬化症(渐冻人症,ALS)亦有较好的治疗经验。Wei Daigui★ Master of Medicine★ Deputy Chief Physician, Second-level Certified National Psychological Consultant★ Pain Clinic, Guangdong General HospitalDr. Wei has over 27 years of experience in medicine, and specializes in pain diagnosis and pain management for more than 18 years. She has completed several studies in leading pain centers in China and in Beth Israel Medical Center in New York, USA. Dr. Wei has been successful in treating complex pains from the details. With effective but low-risk techniques, Dr. Wei is good at dealing with pain disorders in the area of chronic pain and intractable pain and with non-pain disorders including limb numbness and fatigue, facial paralysis, limb paralysis and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis(ALS). She has extensive experience in the treatment of painful menstruation, knee pain, trigeminal neuralgia, postherpetic neuralgia and cancer pain. Besides, Dr. Wei pays attention to the psychological condition of patients and encourages them and their family to participate in patients’ treatment actively.Specializing in:1.Common disorders: Headache, neck and shoulder pain, ,low back pain, foot pain, trigeminal neuralgia, painful menstruation, knee pain, herpes zoster, gout, osteoporosis, cancer pain, etc.2.Complex disorders: Postherpetic neuralgia, phantom limb pain, residual limb pain, postoperative incision pain, unexplained pain, obvious pain with no effective treatment.3.Limb or finger or toe edema, numbness, coldness, fatigue, weakness, paresthesia, etc.4.Peripheral facial paralysis (Bell paralysis, facial neuritis), amyotrophic lateral sclerosis(ALS).5.Refractory facial acne, eczema, allergic rhinitis, sudden deafness, tinnitus, chronic pharyngitis, chronic gastroenteritis, Raynauds syndrome, constipation, urinary retention, etc.Locations of Practice:★ Pain Clinic, GUANGDONG GENERAL HOSPITAL
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