

主任医师 教授
罗迪青,男,主任医师,教授,科室主任,硕士导师,1988年中山医科大学六年制本科毕业,1994年硕士研究生毕业。中华医学会微生物与免疫分会特殊病原体学组委员,亚洲支原体学会委员,中国医师协会广东省皮肤科医师分会委员。医疗专长皮肤科疾病的诊断与治疗工作,尤其是对少见病、罕见病、疑难病的诊治具有丰富的临床经验和钻研精神。报道了世界首例“混合型小汗腺毛囊错构瘤”及“单纯累及面部的红斑疼痛症”,报道了我国首例“皮肤毛发移行疹”以及首例“大疱性疥疮”。对生殖道支原体感染的诊断与治疗也有较深的研究及较高的造诣。近年来,尤其专注银屑病的研究与治疗。主要研究方向1. 银屑病的发病机制及治疗2. 性病,尤其是支原体感染耐药性研究3. 结缔组织疾病论著:SCI 收录第一作者和/或通讯作者论文.1. Luo DQ, Yang W. A comparison of topical application of 1% tetracaine gel before and after the procedure in removal of cutaneous pigmentation with Q-switched Nd:YAG laser (1064/532nm). Photomed Laser Surg. 2010;28:213-2172. Luo DQ, Li Y, Huang YB, Wu LC, He DY. Aquagenic syringeal acrokeratoderma in an adult man: case report and review of the literature. Clin Exp Dermatol 2009;34:e907–e9093. Luo DQ, Zhao YK, Zhang WJ, Wu LC. Aquagenic acrokeratoderma. Int J Dermatol. 2010;49:526-5314. Luo DQ, Liu JH, Huang YB, He DY, Zhang HY. Cutaneous pilimigrans: a case report and review of the literature. Int J Dermatol. 2009;48:947–9505. Luo DQ, Cheng MC, Liu JH, Liu Z, Li HT. Disseminated Penicillium Marneffei Infection in an SLE Patient: A Case Report and Literature Review. Mycopathologia. 2010;171:191-1966. Luo DQ, Zhao YK, Liu JH. Pili migrans. Ann Dermatol Venereol. 2010;137:468-4717. Luo DQ, Wu LC, Liu JH, Zhang HY. Acral persistent papular mucinosis: a case report and literature review. JDDG. 2011;9:354-3598. Luo DQ, Zhang B, Huang YB, Wu LC, Liu JH. Papules on a young womans hands and feet. Clin Exp Dermatol. 2010;35,451-4529. Luo DQ. Aquagenic acrokeratoderma: A case with family history and unusual involvements of the palms and soles, and the dorsum of fingers and toes. J Dermatol. 2010;38:612-61510. Luo DQ, Yang W, Wu LC, Liu JH, Chen WN. Interdigital ulcer: an unusual presentation of Candida infection. Mycoses. 2011;54:e780-e78411. Luo DQ, Liu JY, Yang W, Zhang B, Yu MJ, Wu YM. In vitro activities of erythromycin, tetracycline and levofloxacin alone and in dual combinations against ureaplasma spp. Chemotherapy. 2011;57:128-13312. Luo DQ. Febrile ulceronecrotic Mucha-Habermann disease. Cutis, 2013;92:E9-E1213. Luo DQ, Huang CZ, Xie WL, Xu FF, Mo LQ. Hybrid eccrine gland and hair follicle hamartoma: A new entity of adnexal nevus. Am J Dermatopathol, 2013:doi:0.1097/DAD.0000000000000040 (Online)14. Luo DQ, Zhao YK, Xu QF, He XQ, Wu LC. Recurrent facial erythema with burning sensation and increased temperature: a variant of erythromelalgia or a new entity? Pain Med. 2014 Jan 16. doi: 10.1111/pme.12343 (online)15. He ZM, Chen J, Li HZ, Luo DQ. Mutants of Candida albicans hypersensitive to Calcofluor White display susceptibility to antifungal drugs. Folia Microbiology. 2010;55 (2), 159-166 .16. Chen MC, Luo DQ. Primary cutaneous CD30+ anaplastic large-cell lymphoma in a young patient with psoriasis. Dermatol Sin. 2013;31:28-3117. Wu HH, Wang MJ, Luo DQ, Lin Q. Localized secondary erythermalgia in an 11-year boy. Pediatr Dermatol. 2013;30(6):e244-e245.18. Lin Q, Luo DQ, et al. Hydroxychloroquine-induced reversible hypomnesis in a patient with reticular erythematous mucinosis. Ann Dermatol. 2012;24(4):490-491.19. Chen MC, Luo DQ. Bullous scabies failing to respond to glucocorticoids, immunoglobulin, and cyclophosphamide. Int J Dermatol, 2013;doi:10.1111/ijd.12315 (Online)20. Chen MC, Xu QF, Luo DQ, Li X, He DY. Erythema associated with pain and warmth onface and ears: a variant of erythermalgia or redear syndrome?J Headache Pain.2014, 15:18主要中文论文:1. 罗迪青, 何定阳, 周晓琳.马拉色菌性毛囊炎99例临床分析.中国皮肤性病学杂志,2006;20(1)28-292. 罗迪青,刘隽华,赵玉昆,刘静野. 手足口病53例临床及流行病学分析.中国热带医学,2009;9(8):1467-14683. 罗迪青 ,刘静野 ,杨威 ,张斌 ,余敏君 ,涂玉英 ,吴移谋.红霉素及左氧沙星单用和联合时抗解脲脲原体MIC的影响.中国医院药学杂志,2009;29(16):1383-13864. 罗迪青, 张斌, 谭妙莲, 刘静野, 吴良才, 何定阳, 张海燕。2001- 2007 年黄埔医院水痘患者流行病学资料分析.中华医院感染学杂志,2008:18(9):1252-12545. 罗迪青,吴良才,刘静野,张海燕,张斌.掌跖对称性紫绀8 例临床分析.临床皮肤科杂志,2008;37(10):649-6506. 罗迪青,周晓琳,余敏君,尹卫国,吴移谋,何定阳.培养时间及培养基pH对大环内酯类抗解脲脲原体MIC的影响.中国艾滋病性病,2007;13(1):42-44,477. 罗迪青, 周晓琳, 余敏君, 何定阳, 尹卫国, 吴移谋.不同培养时间与培养基p H 值对体外实验中喹诺酮类抗解脲脲支原体药物敏感性的影响.中华医院感染学杂志,2007:17(9):1048-10508. 罗迪青, 周晓琳, 何定阳, 黄应表, 吴良才.2001年~2004年我国解脲脲原体分离和耐药情况分析.中国皮肤性病学杂志,2006;20(4):224-2269. 罗迪青,何定阳,黄应表,刘隽华.Marshall- White综合征12 例分析.临床皮肤科杂志,2006;35(3):133-13410. 罗迪青;赵玉昆;刘隽华;等. Th17细胞、IL-17A mRNA及IL-23R mRNA与寻常性银屑病的关系。中华皮肤科杂志,201111.罗迪青.阴茎硬化性淋巴管炎3 例.中国麻风皮肤病杂志,2006;22(5):433-43412. 彭洁雯, 罗迪青, 朱辉, 江勇, 吴良才, 刘全忠.次抑菌浓度大环内酯类抗菌药物诱导沙眼衣原体耐药性.中国医院药学杂志.2010;30(16)1357-1360(通讯作者)
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中山大学附属第一医院东院 皮肤性病科
中山大学附属第一医院 皮肤性病科

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